Step 1.
Find the home that you want to buy
The developer will be able to confirm which homes are available on the Home Reach Flex scheme. Find the one that’s right for you.
Step 2.
Get financially qualified
This is usually done via the developer’s partner mortgage broker and is done to understand the share %* that you are able to afford.
*Starting shares up to 65%.
Step 3.
Reserve your home
Now you are ready to pay a reservation fee of £500 to the sales team. This is to secure your home**
Step 4.
Eligibility Check
You’ll need to complete a Shared Ownership Eligibility form so we can check you fit the eligibility criteria for the Home Reach Flex scheme.
Step 5.
You will need to apply for a mortgage. The sales team will be able to guide you to an appropriate specialist.
Step 6.
You will need to appoint a solicitor to carry out the legal work for you and act in your best interest.
Step 7.
This is when you pay your deposit, sign your contracts and agree a moving in date.
Step 8.
Move In
On the agreed completion day, you will be able to collect the keys, move in and enjoy your new home!
Step 9.
Heylo will be here if you need us. The rent, lease management fee and building insurance (if applicable) will be collected monthly by direct debit.

See the developments where
Home Reach Flex is available